Tuesday, September 8, 2020



Cloverfield is a film that uses a found footage motif to follow five young New York City residents fleeing from a massive monster and various other smaller creatures that attack the city while they are having a farewell party.

How does it create a sense of genre?

The film uses hybrid genres of Si-Fi, Horror and an apocalyptic scenario. The film uses handheld camera shots which shows the audiences what is happening from the characters point of view. powerful dramatic sounds of screaming/shouting, monstrous roars and big bangs. The trailer uses short, fast paced hard cuts and has a unique style of camera usage as the film is shown through a handheld camera. This film style is known as cinéma vérité, as it shows realistic and documentary footage which creates an intense and horrifying atmosphere. This realistic style of film creates a sense of genre as it focuses on the horrifying apocalyptic scenario and the Si-Fi element in the film, by showing quick footage of the monster. 

How does the trailer draw attention to the roles taken, particularly star talent?

In the trailer, the audience are introduced to the main character, Robert Hawkins (Played by Michael Stahl-David) through handheld camera. This allows audiences to understand from what perspective we are seeing the event taking place are from and creating a connection to this character. The trailer doesn't focus much on the other important characters in the film, and are all shown through 2-3 second clips from what happened that night of the attack. This not only informs the audience that the reason for not showing these characters is to allows the audience to speculate and question what is going to happen to them. This creates intensity and suspense throughout the trailer.

What essential narrative elements are explained in the inter-titles?

The use of Inter titles in the trailer is very minimal, however, is very important as the trailer begins with an inter title explaining where the footage was found, making the trailer instantly tell the audience that the footage is going to realistic and documentary. The style of the wording makes it seem like it a leaked government tape/ military tape, which they found from a survivor's camera. the only other inter title that is in the trailer, is about who produced the film (J.J. Abrams).

How does the trailer use dialogue?

The film uses fearful dialogue from Robert Hawkins (Michael Stahl-David), showing him documenting what is happening to him and how he is feeling. This realistic way of filming makes the audience feel unnerving, worried and fearful for the young man. During the trailer there is a shot of a horse and carriage and there is essential dialogue used, being 'are you filming...people are gunna want to know.' this shows to the audience that these people are risking their lives to show the world what has actually happened, further connoting the cinéma vérité style.

What institutional information does the trailer contain, such as names of Production Company, talent, director, release date?

Before the film trailer begins, the trailer shows both Paramount Pictures and Bad Robot iconic idents, but have been changed to appear with a glitch and distorted effect, which already creates a sense unease and shows the Horror genre film it is going to be. At the end of the trailer, there is a continued glitch effect as the title 'Cloverfield' appears, as well as the release date and other credits about the film.

How does the trailer utilise accolades or other key hooks?

The film trailer shows that it had a big budget because of the use of clear CGI and sound effect/ editing effects of explosions, screams and smashing of buildings. This trailer connotes the stereotypical of the 'Big Six' films as the budgets for these high quality films tend to be much larger than films made by small production companies (such as Warp Productions) and so more money can be spent on CGI and special effects. Throughout the majority of the trailer there are very little inter titles and is fast, hard cuts of different action and horrifying clips of different situation happening in the film.


Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, and is about two American astronauts who are stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their Space Shuttle, and attempt to return to Earth. 

How does it create a sense of genre?

The film is a Si-Fi/ Thriller genre and this shown as the trailer focuses on the disastrous scenario of the space shuttles destruction. The who film is based in space which greats a sense of Si-Fi, however, the thriller aspect comes from the constantly gripping and visceral scenario where the astronauts are trying to get back to earth after their ship is hit by space junk and rocks.

How does the trailer draw attention to the roles taken, particularly star talent?

After the beginning inter title there is a hard cut to an astronaut (Sandra Bullock) in a dangerous situation in space and this give an introduction to her character. the trailer shows her as the central character and uses close up shots of her face in the space suit to show her panic and to make the audience feel worried for her. While Sandra Bullock is trying to survive, the trailer introduces the other actor, George Clooney, but he is introduced with only his voice. This is unique and effective as it means the trailer can focus on the situation on screen and most audiences will instantly recognise the voice. 

What essential narrative elements are explained in the inter-titles?

The trailer starts with an Inter title, tell the audience about space, as though it is giving the audience a warning before a hard cut to an astronaut (Sandra Bullock) in a dangerous situation in space. This inter title is important as it gives the audience an idea of how risky their mission is and the consequence of a mistake.

How does the trailer use dialogue?

the main dialogue that is used in the trailer is the commanding, instructive, as well as comforting dialogue from fellow astronaut (from George Clooney), to help the other astronaut to survive the emptiness of space. With his instructive dialogue the audiences are made to feel that he is somewhat in control. The trailer also uses dialogue from the panicked, terrified and uneased astronaut (Sandra Bullock).

What institutional information does the trailer contain, such as names of Production Company, talent, director, release date?

At the end of the trailer the title 'Gravity' is shown by a appearing on the brim of the earth horizon. Similarly with the release date and other credits about production companies and associated companies, they appear on the brim of earths horizon.

How does the trailer utilise accolades or other key hooks?

In the trailer a key element is the fast breathing from the stranded astronauts and the ticking sound. both of these combined, build up the climax and create an intense atmosphere. These noises make the audience focus on the panicked and stressed feeling from the astronauts 

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