My Film website by Casey Drewett
Website Analysis by Casey Drewett


On the lifewire website there is an article about the 7 best movie trailer websites and from this list I use 4 of these website. These being;
  • iTunes Movie Trailers
  • IMDb 
  • Rotten Tomatoes
  • YouTube
As an Apple user, I get weekly updates from iTunes about new films and TV programmes. Once I have watched a film I get new suggestions from iTunes, linking to the similar genre, and I am able to see trailers of the film. I use iTunes the least because I prefer to watch films on other streaming platforms, such as, Netflix and Amazon Prime.  

I use IMDb to see trailers that I cannot access on websites such as YouTube. Alongside some of the trailers I can see the cast/crew who made the film and reviews about the film. recently I used IMDb to watch the trailer for Top Gun; Maverick

I use Rotten Tomatoes to see reviews and ratings, however recently I have used it to see trailers for all types of films. As a Marvel fan, I watched the trailer for 'The New Mutants' which is a very different film created by marvel. The film shows a dark side to super powers and is the first marvel film under the horror genre.

I use YouTube to watch interesting videos such as people playing games or doing new challenges. However, YouTube is the website I use most to watch film trailers. I will watch trailers on film company YouTube Channels or I will watch a compilation of new trailers on a YouTube Channel that reviews films. for example; I watch trailer compilations by Mojo to see what the rating of new films and to see the film trailers to make my own opinion.
FDA Yearbook 2020:

In these pages below, from the Yearbook, there is information about how audiences use specific websites like YouTube and the importance of social networks, like Twitter. The page below also explains how IMDb is not just a website that people get information about films (such as a films cast and crew) but is also a place where viewers can view trailers for new films, for example; Joker and Avengers: Endgame.


In order to understand how Distributors worked and how they do their job, I investigated the distribution of Ready Player One.

Ready Player One used multiple cohesive marketing techniques to interest audience to want to see the movie. Some examples of their uses of cohesive marketing is; twitterInstagramwebsitesposterteaser trailers and trailers. The different social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc) work as a synergetic whole in promoting a product. 

1 comment:

  1. Outstandingly thorough research.
    YOUR WEBSITE: A sophisticated and successful product. Your website has an arresting landing page with its looped image of the engaging young victim in fear for his life, with a masked assassin approaching from behind, an image that instantly signals the film’s genre. As a key image, the protagonist’s terrified face also features in your poster and trailers, creating brand cohesion. The website’s home page declares the film's name boldly with a clear layout making it easy to navigate, with scroll-down pages, eight individual tabs and two convergent links to social media.
    Your website is very engaging for audiences: a clip of an axe swings threateningly behind the ‘About’ page; the ‘Cast’ page is a particular favourite of mine as it looks like a police bulletin board with red string and the cast photos open to reveal their bios – genius! A battery of other convincing features (social media links; reviews set against a key film clip; screenings; and even specially created merchandise) make this a very creative and richly textured production.
