Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Once we had planned where we wanted to film and how we would go about doing the various shots/ scenes, we began filming. This was a very enjoyable part of the production process because it allowed us to be creative and develop our camera, directing and acting skills. We filmed across multiple days, in order to have the perfect weather when filming and to add to the dark setting of our film. We took advantage of our school grounds, especially the woodland area, for the running scenes and the dead body scenes, because we were restricted by the Lockdown rules. By using the school grounds were were able to produce various shots for the scenes, so that when we came to editing we could choose which shot looked best for our Horror/Thriller trailer. 

As we filmed on different days, we timed our shoots for both day time and night time, in order to collate more film footage. As the day transitioned we moved to various locations around Richmond Park and Ham to capture the Young Athlete running shots. 

We needed lots of different equipment for different scenes, this included our canon and Nikon cameras, tripod, camera stabilizers and iPhones. This was useful to create a high quality film teaser and full trailer. the use of camera stabilizers allowed us to do moving shots, alongside the actors movements. For example, we used the camera stabilizer for the flashing lights scenes, in order to stay level with the actor and to create and intense atmosphere. 

1 comment:

  1. A thoughtful account of a recent key shoot with reflections on how you successfully tackled challenges related to filming restrictions during the lock-down, which meant arranging a number of intensive shoots after schools returned, as well as organizing filming further afield in Richmond and Ham to secure the required locations for realism. You and Ross have proved yourselves highly motivated and well organized with equipment, costumes, props and arrangements. As the narrative required different lighting conditions, you organized shoots at different times of day and evening. Well done.
