Wednesday, March 3, 2021


When editing, we decided to used Adobe Premiere Pro, instead of iMovie, because it allowed us to develop our editing skills and to produce high quality trailers. Ross Morrison managed the editing and I assisted him with sound effects, music underscores and arrangement of clips in the trailer sequence. 

Editing process

We began by dropping all the clips that we wanted to include in our trailer and we began playing around with the length and colouring of the clips. In many Horror/ Thriller film trailers, the dark colour toning helps to create the sinister and ominous atmosphere of the film and, additionally, it helps to set the tone of the trailers. Moreover, we enhanced the clips featuring key people in order to sharpen the scenes and to give our production company a more professional look. We understood that it was important for use to include inter-titles within our trailers, to inform and entice our audience, and with the use of Adobe Premiere Pros capabilities we were able to add them. Furthermore, when creating the end credits for our trailer, the premiere pro text features allowed us to create sophisticated and crisp credit.

In order to make our trailer credits unique, we wanted to add our own branded title for, 'His Last Mile'. discussions of text font and colour schemes led us to using Adobe Photoshop, where Ross designed a template for our title. On the text Ross added the blood dripping font and blood red colouring, which created an affective edge on our title and made it unique. 

After a long search we found a suitable soundtrack that would work with our production, after messing around with the volumes of the sound I found a level that worked to help create the horror genre of our production. We also decided to add some dialogue to our trailer as we felt that it was not building up the sense of horror that we wanted it to have. On top of the dialogue sounds of dogs barking and owls hooting were also added to create a sinister environment. 

1 comment:

  1. A detailed reflective post that demonstrates a clear link between research and outcome: your choices of colours and lighting as well as the soundtrack are firmly based on horror / thriller tropes, establishing the ominous atmosphere and intensifying the suspense. The addition of spot sounds, owl hoots and dogs barking add layers to the suspense. Snatches of dialogue clarify the narrative.
    Using Premier Pro with increasing confidence, you edited in trailer conventions such as inter titles and end credits, which I agree look professional. The film title is customised to suggest dripping blood, which effectively establishes the horror / thriller genre. Well done.
