Sunday, March 21, 2021


In order to successfully distribute our film and to attract audiences we create social media pages. We decided to use Instagram and Twitter as it is the most used social media platform for our target audience, which is ages 15-35. Social media is key for all film companies, as it allows them to give quick information about their up and coming films and different insights to them, such as behind-the-scenes footage and film posters, teaser trailers and full trailer releases.

Across the filming period, we decided to take various screenshots from our film footage and post them on our Instagram, in order to give our audience a small glimpse of some of content in our film. On our Twitter page, we decided to post photos from behind-the-scenes to allow our audience to enjoy the filming process alongside us and to create further connection with our audience. Furthermore, we posted our two film posters on both our Instagram and Twitter pages, a week before our film release, to build up suspense and to entice our audience. 

1 comment:

  1. You have created a Twitter fee and Instagram feed as part of your film promo pack, with photos taken during the making of the film, and these are successfully linked to the film website. Together with the trailers and the posters, the suite of social media platforms show confident understanding of how to market your film as a small independent film company with a limited budget but excellent grasp of how to attract and address your audience. In your blog posts, you reflect on your construction and explain the process.
