Thursday, March 4, 2021


Reflection by Casey Drewett

1 comment:

  1. Excellent presentation. You reflect on the process behind the development of your poster, showing how your skills developed and what audience considerations you had in mind, such as the addition of a QR code. Your creativity is reflected in your artistic decisions about the playing card, one of the key codes in your film. The broken glass motif clearly signals the genre and connotes danger. You provide evidence of your design process from the initial sketch to finished product. You sought feedback on your website design and draw attention to its many successful features, from its interactive links to its extra features like the merchandise page. Your focus group particularly liked the background video!You also analyse the changes that you made to your filming after reviewing the footage, such as tackling what you felt was not satisfactory in the lighting. You also show a pleasing level of professionalism in your description of how you re-shot scenes which revealed unwanted people and objects. Well done!
