Tuesday, March 2, 2021



Image of the creating and editing my our joint film company ident for RFM FILMS and ALEXANDER PRODUCTIONS (using iMovie)

In majority of films the film companies put their company idents before the film begins. The ident is a combination of words and visuals that deliver the brand identity of the production company. Often the ident is eye catching and even witty, playing with alliteration or visual puns, to make it memorable.

For our film trailers we decided to use the same ident as out AS work on our film opening. 
For our film company ident we wanted to brand the companies as sophisticated modern, so we used the visual of a green star is a clean, stream lined image. The star has connotations of stage and screen. However, to make it different from the our AS film opening, we decided to have the writing in a blood red font, which links to the tone and genre of the trailers.

1 comment:

  1. CFCMediaApril 7, 2021 at 3:13 AM
    Reflective post with a detailed account of artistic and institutional considerations behind your production company logo: firstly, your show clear understanding of the value of developing a brand identity as well as how the design can be leveraged to connote both genre and company ethos. Secondly, your post is evidence of good technical knowledge in its creation. It adds prestige to your production.
