Monday, December 7, 2020


I decided to make a QR code to put on my film poster. The QR code would attract audiences, whilst giving them access to our film website and social media pages. In order to create a QR code, I researched the various steps it would take to build one.

Additionally, when creating and completing a QR code it is important to understand the Do's and Don't of QR code making because it will make it easier to apply to posters.

After researching about how to make a QR code and understanding the important Do's and Don'ts, I made my own QR code using QR creator. I decided to use this generator as it is highly recommended, easy to use and it allows me to add multiple links to the code. 

My QR code:

My links:

1 comment:

  1. An excellent element as part of your marketing promo pack, Casey. You explain the process and the ways in which you believe it would contribute to the promotion of your film, linking the various social media platforms.
